How to Prepare for Interviews in a Virtual Setting Like Zoom or Microsoft Teams
In today’s unprecedented times, many organizations are transitioning away from face to face meetings to virtual interview platforms to meet with potential candidates. As a candidate, preparing for the interview is of the utmost importance. Here are some tips on how to prepare yourself for a virtual interviews on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
- Ensure your computer has the required capabilities for the meeting including proper audio, video and Wi-Fi, and you have tested it to ensure it is working properly. You will also want to ensure that the space in which you are interviewing has the proper lighting so you are clear and visible during the interview.
- Dedicate uninterrupted time to speak with your interviewer. Often times during interviews there is background noise, other people or pets present in the room, etc. It is important that you are in a space where you can speak with the interviewer free from any distractions and the interviewer will be able to hear you clearly.
- Smile 😊 you are on camera! We can all appreciate that interviewing over your computer is much different then interviewing in person but it is still important to show your personality. Smile, maintain eye contact, engage with your interviewer. If it seems uncomfortable, take the time to practice in advance of your meeting.
- Professional attire. It is still an interview and it is important to put your best foot forward. I encourage candidates to still dress as though they were meeting with the employer in person – from head to toe.
- Be prepared and on time. This is no different then arriving at an interview 5 -10 minutes before it starts to ensure that you are there on time. Get yourself setup and logged in prior to the meeting to check that everything is working properly and it also gives you a few moments in advance of the meeting to collect your thoughts. You do not want the added stress of scrambling last minute to ensure things work and keeping your interviewer waiting for you to arrive.
- Take notes. Be prepared with a pen and notepad if you have any notes that you would like to write down during your meeting.
- STAR – the same interviewing strategies apply virtually as they do in person to keep you on track with your interview answers. Follow the STAR technique when answering your questions to be precise and showcase to the interviewer what you have accomplished. S- situation T- task A- action R-result.
- Thank you. Don’t forget to say thank you after the interview. As an employer receiving a personalized thank you note or email from the candidate after the interview shows them how appreciative you are of their time and reaffirms your interest in the role.
Put these Zoom and Microsoft Teams interview tips to use and get ready to ace your job interview!
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